Online tool

As we continue to provide you with the latest updates regarding Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) we hope you find the following informative in regard to online SET processing. Please review the online set screen guide to familiarize yourself with the user interface. 

What you need to know

  • In an effort to reduce bias in the evaluation of teaching, the instrument has been updated: a number of changes have been made to the order of items and the wording of student directions.
  • Waiver and gradebook - discontinued as of Fall 2021.
  • On the same day, faculty and students receive their online invitation emails via WSU (Wayne State University) email.
  • There are three ways faculty and students can access Online SET:
  1. Log into the online SET  system (enter your AccessID/password).
  2. Through the Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) link on the left-hand side of the Canvas screen, or
  3. The link provided in your invitation email.
  • Online SET reminders: The online system automatically sends reminder emails to students who have not started or completed their evaluations.

Response rate dashboard (RRD)

  • New Feature: The SET Committee has granted faculty members the flexibility to modify their evaluation periods. If some faculty members require support with their adjustments, please contact your SET coordinator for assistance. See the Faculty date adjustments guide for directions.
  • The start and finish dates of the assessment period and the number of students who have begun, responded, or opted out of their survey are displayed on the RRD's View Settings page. Please contact your departmental SET coordinator if you have questions about your course or a modification to your evaluation period.
  • Through the RRD, faculty can also examine and keep track of the overall number of students who have completed their evaluation. If participation is low, faculty may want to schedule a class period during which students can complete their assessment collectively rather than individually. 

Scheduled reports 

  • Check the faculty report schedule for report release periods.
  • Quantitative and qualitative reports are released to faculty about three to four weeks after the semester ends. 
  • Administrative reports are available in the COGNOS report archive two months after the start of the new semester.
  • New faculty will receive access to the COGNOS report interface with the release of the COGNOS reports for the semester they taught.   

Supplemental questions

If you want to tailor questions to your specific teaching approach and circumstances, please consider designing up to ten additional questions and distributing them to students before the evaluation period begins. Instruct students to enter their responses in the Instructor Supplied Items section of Online SET. You will receive responses to these questions in your SET reports. Remember to keep a copy of the questions and scale so you can interpret the results.