Evaluation of teaching

Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) is a process through which students provide feedback on their course-related experiences, including the quality of teaching, course content, and classroom environment. This feedback can be used to improve the quality of instruction and academic programs and can help instructors identify areas where they can improve their teaching methods.

The SET process typically involves students completing a questionnaire or survey at the end of a course, in which they are asked to rate various aspects of their experience, such as the instructor's knowledge and communication skills, the course content and organization, and the overall learning environment. The feedback collected through SET can be used to assess the effectiveness of individual instructors, to identify areas where improvements can be made, and to inform decisions about curriculum development and course offerings.

In addition to improving teaching and learning, SET can also help to promote transparency and accountability in academic programs. By making SET results available to students, faculty, and administrators, academic programs can demonstrate their commitment to quality teaching and their willingness to listen to and respond to student feedback.

SET coordinators

SET coordinators are there to assist students, faculty, and administrators. They are available to address any specific questions for your department or college regarding the evaluation process. They can assist you in setting up your courses for online evaluation and extending the evaluation period for you as well. Please contact them with any questions you may have.

SET proxies

SET proxies help faculty and administrators access SET reports. They have access to the COGNOS SET report archive within Academica.

Oversight committee

The oversight committee  represents faculty and administrative decision-making regarding SET.

  • Reni Gresham, Faculty and Administrative Support Coordinator
  • Petar Lazic, Faculty and Administrative Technical Support
